Button Making and Other Shenanigans!


Hey it’s Young Amanda and Yee!

Today we ate some TASTY enchiladas and checked in with the funniest question. “If you could get a full-sized oil painting of yourself, what would it be?” Many came up with hilarious ideas and answers.

After eating our delicious food, Jude and Soriya led us in an activity where we named something awesome about high school and something that you found difficulties in. The activity was called How to Survive High School. Our opinions were put into a bucket and chose at random. It was so interesting to hear everyone’s opinions. I, Amanda, thought it was soo surprising how confident everyone was and only I and a couple other people stayed on the side where people said they HAVE felt insecure in high school. I found it really helpful to know how people kept their confidence up, and it actually helped me think about how I go about things a little differently.

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When we were finished with the activity, we did a free write. We wrote about things we would like to accomplish and how Age Up could help us fulfill our goals. I, Yee, wrote about how I would like to figure out what I would like to do when I grow up as one of my goals. Age Up would help me fulfill my goal because I have met many diverse people and have experienced a lot of new things that I would not have been exposed to if I hadn’t joined Age Up. My word of the day was experience.

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Next we made pins! We wrote our word of the day and other inspirational quotes on a circular piece of paper and placed it into the pin making machine where Jude used his muscles to create our wonderful pins! Afterwards, we had the choice between going next door to help contribute ideas to the boys program, making more pins, or going downstairs to do zumba! Of course I decided to do zumba! It was amaze-beans.

Salutations all,

Yee and Amanda


