AGE UP News & Updates

  • Kimball Clinic #2 and 2nd Year Meeting With Judy

    Sorry for the wait, readers. Spring fever! The most recent Kimball clinic ran wonderfully. We warmed up with partner throwing and dove straight into technical drills. The players, as talented as they were, had tons of fun practicing their marks and dishy throws, which were (hopefully) advanced enough to teach them something they didn’t already…

  • AGE-UP Kicks Off Spring Clinics With Kimball Elementary

    Hello! It’s Sophie the 2nd year, it’s been so long! It was a beautiful day for AGE UP’s first clinic at Kimball Elementary. Our clinic began in the Kimball gym and comprised of seventeen students from Kimball (yet, only one girl!). We began the session with introductions and a warm up of ‘Sharks and Minnows’. After…

  • Recap: The Southend Ultimate Tournament

    Good day, my kind bloggers! Today, I will inform you about the great Southend tournament that all of you missed – maybe. The purpose of the tournament was to bring all the Southend schools together to raise awareness of the overwhelming progress of ultimate in the Southend. Various AGE-UP members and southend youth ultimate players…

  • Vote For AGE-UP

    Hey all, AGE-UP needs your vote to win a $500 grant! This grant will go toward supporting a new AGE-UP youth board that will work to continue and better the program. Yay leadership! VOTE FOR AGE-UP!

  • 2nd Years Reunite For A Meeting

    Hey bloggers, long time no talk! I’m here today to fill you in on our Tuesday meeting with the 2nd years! When we first arrived there everyone was just chilling and watching videos as others slowly filled in for the meeting. Boy, were we hungry! We drank some milk & ate some grilled cheese sandwiches;…

  • AGE-UP Retreat: Day Two

    Those in my cabin who had actually been able to sleep until eight, the scheduled wake up time, awoke the second day of the retreat to a chorus of shrieking monkeys outside our cabin. I peeked curiously from the sleeping bag in which I was deeply nestled to catch a glimpse of Tiffany’s wide eyed…

  • AGE-UP Retreat: Day One

    On Saturday morning, we all met up at Jefferson Community Center and tossed our baggage in the middle of the room. While waiting for our peers to arrive, we sat in cushy chairs and discussed the upcoming spring season. Shortly after, we piled into vans and carpooled to Delridge Park to practice. Welcomed by overcast…

  • Outreach Group Gets The Gears Going

    Hi, all. As you know, the retreat is tomorrow! In retribution for the last two weeks of inactivity on the blog, I decided to crash the outreach group’s session and disclose everything they’re doing in preparation for the retreat. Kidding. Regardless of what we don’t know (yet), these girls put in work. They spent countless…

  • Winter Sessions Come To a Close

    First and foremost, I’m terribly sorry for the delay. I assure you that the last two AGE-UP sessions were a bundle of fun. I’d love to explain but I’ll just divert your attention with a joint post! Anyway, during our Tuesday session, we were devastated to find out that our beloved Top Chef extraordinaire, Lisa,…

  • Healthy Relationships

    Long time no see. It’s Linda, who never blogs! Before we start off with anything, today we ate delicious Mexican food made by our cooking group! Yum! Today, we were joined with Nathaniel Shara and Vijou Bryant from the Northwest Network to discuss the topic of healthy relationships. This topic was especially important because everyone…